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Author: Eben Uys

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Real Beer Revolution review on Killer Hop win at African Beer Awards

Thanks Mike Halls and Real Beer Revolution for the rave review and the support.

“We are super proud to be the recipients of this prestigious award. The team will taste what Killer Hop tastes like from the trophy tomorrow when we celebrate this big win.We believe winning this award will open more routes to market and boost our growth aspirations.” Eben Uys Mad Giant Founder


By in News Comments Off on Our award winning beers have smacked a smile on our faces

Our award winning beers have smacked a smile on our faces

URBAN LEGEND and KILLER HOP have lived up to their names and made us proud by bringing home the silver, and then some more. URBAN LEGEND Owned it – with a silver medal at the SA National Beer Trophy Awards 2018. And then KILLER HOP Slayed it – with a Best Pale Ale Trophy at the African Beer Awards 2018 followed by a knockout Grand Champion Best of Show 2018 award. We are proud of these beers, the brewers who made them and the team who make every day the best beer day ever. Thanks to all of the judges and the organisers of these award shows and for awarding our Mad Giant focus on quality beer. Join us on our next Bottomless Beer Day on the 22nd of September to try your fair share of their glory..




By in News Comments Off on ABSOLUTE TROUPER SUMMER PILS almost ready


New Absolute Trouper is a SUMMER PILS brewed to hit the spot on hot days so we added a spritz of fresh lemon. Citrus, floral and fresh flavours will crush your thirst while the malty pilsner backbone keeps it balanced. It is a refreshing ‘gobble life in a gulp’ beer brewed by two so that you can enjoy a few.